Bulletin 0407
Product Overview
The Spectral
DMC-30SS Studio
Standard Preamplifier
infrastructure with a new 'clear sheet' systemboard
design. The result is a fresh interpretation of the
elegant DMC-30 topology implemented with the most
uncompromising new power supplies, circuit layout
and control elements ever used in an audio preamp.
The New Floating Power System
Music and theater systems are becoming larger and
more complex so that stray interferences from other
components and environmental sources must be pre-
vented from entering and contaminating sensitive audio
signals. A common path occurs from power cords that
transmit noise residue and harmonics from large amp-
lifiers, video equipment and other components. Higher
frequency digital noise may propagate through signal
cables to add further sonic loss. The floating power or
battery-like regulator was developed for the SDR-4000
Reference CD Processor and it has demonstrated a
superior isolation of noises that occur from power line
and audio/video sources. Its combination of dense
physical size and electrically open circuit character,
out performs batteries and other devices to provide
very pure floating power. Amplifier circuits within the
DMC-30SS receive highly regulated voltages as if
from small batteries. But unlike batteries, the floating
shunt regulator isolates both low and high frequency
noise contamination so circuits are neither subject to
outside noise, nor pass residue from amplification of
contaminated audio signals. This environmental isol-
ation improves performance from complex sound sys-
tems as well as assures unhindered performance from
the DMC-30SS itself.
The Spectral 'Floating Power' regulator is a superior
approach to noise isolation. While some interferences
can be blocked by various AC line isolation products,
their use is often problematic with unpredictable sonic
side effects and additive distortions. Spectral 'Floating
Spectral Audio is a company which was founded on
research in high-end preamplifier design and our
depth of commitment to the importance of this work
runs deep. For this reason, engineering priority has
always been placed on development of the most adv-
anced reference preamplifiers possible. The DMC-30
series has occupied a special place among Spectral
reference preamps, moving the state-of-the-art steadi-
ly forward with a constant evolution of performance
innovation and refinement. Now Spectral introduces
a new reference preamplifier for the most demanding
musical application, the DMC-30SS Studio Standard.
The DMC-30SS Studio Standard combines new tech-
nology advances from state-of-the-art recording with
extreme precision componentry and micro-detailed
layout to again redefine the art of preamplifier design.
In previous DMC-30 generations, emphasis on active
amplifier development has resulted in major advances
in line section refinement, culminating in the unparal-
leled performance of the SHHA high-speed output
modules. Due to the over-capacity and robust design
of the original DMC-30, this unstressed platform has
required very little improvement to support ever
evolving performance in this area. In the DMC-30SS,
Spectral engineers return to basic issues of foundation
Spectral Audio, Inc.
442 Oakmead Parkway
Sunnyvale, California 94085
408.738.8521 Fax: 408.738.8524
All files are copyright 2008 by Spectral Audio, Inc.
Power' is an integrated system for noise suppression
which outperforms external AC line conditioning
products which impose their own sonic colorations.
The Case for Uncompromising Attenuation
Certain devices in a high-end preamplifier fundament-
ally determine the ultimate performance possible in
the component. Since a preamplifier basically amounts
to an adjustable line amplifier, the role of the volume
control or gain attenuator system is especially critical
and will have a strong influence over the final sonics
of the component. Most of today's high-end preamps
incorporate various digital and IC based attenuator
systems to control gain, while a minority still use
mechanical controls, potentiometers, switches or relay
arrays. In our experience, all of these approaches
have serious compromises which limit signal transpar-
ency, dynamic range, step resolution or reliability.
Today, digital based IC attenuators are ubiquitous in
modern audio design. But even the most exotic of
these digital and solid-state attenuators color the sound
in various ways. Spectral engineers have long experi-
ence researching digital and DAC attenuators and
find that none of these gain controls are really up to
the demands of high-end preamp use, let alone for
critical recording applications. We find the best relay
and switch based resistor attenuators to be much better
sonically than any digital control. Unfortunately, they
in turn suffer from dynamic range and contact life
limitations, more importantly they are not a realistic
option when continuous gain adjustment is required.
Since digital attenuators are not sonically transparent
and stepped resistor attenuator controls have step size,
contact life and dynamic range limitation, the ultimate
gain control would have to be a continuously variable
potentiometer or fader. Unfortunately, no pot or fader
currently available is transparent or linear enough for
the most critical gain adjustment applications in audio.
Spectral Develops the Super Fader Technology
To solve the problems of existing gain control systems
Spectral engineers have been working with a leading
aerospace contractor. Out of this multi-year effort
comes an extraordinary ultra-precision gain control.
The Spectral 'Super Fader' combines mechanical
precision, advanced materials science and unrestricted
use of exotic materials to create a level control that
behaves like an infinite number of theoretically ideal
resistors. Inside, the critical moving parts are preci-
sion machined from solid precious metals. These
wipers have many surfaces that are spring pressured
as a group to contact micro-polished optically flat
resistance elements. Exemplary mechanical design
and fabrication alignment is used to prevent localized
heating from circulating currents. Ultra-pure contact
metal eliminates solid-state or junction distortions
which occur from plated parts used in other controls.
When such precision and material commitments are
combined, noise and error in the presence of test sig-
nals is immeasurable and other performances are very
near to ideal thermal accuracy limits. With polished
custom element and ball-bearing construction, there is
every indication that this superior performance will
remain intact even after 100 million operations. The
'Super Fader' potentiometer outperforms all existing
gain control systems with virtually infinite service
life. We hear a clarity and transparency, as if a wire
has been substituted for the control.
The Spectral DMC-30SS Studio Standard
Spectral founders are deeply committed to high-end
audio design in a most uncompromising way. In a
world of relativism and compromise we believe that
highly accurate reproduction most fully honors fine
recorded performances as well as being profoundly
musical. The DMC-30 Studio Standard Preamplifier is
our most advanced expression of this ideal. Exhaust-
ive testing under live recording conditions has created
a true reference. With virtually no coloration or char-
acter of its own, the DMC-30SS is an extraordinarily
transparent and truthful window on great music.
The DMC-30SS is for the serious music enthusiast
who is a patient and sophisticated listener. We hope
you will take an evening to experience the new DMC-
30SS. We think you will discover a new world of
expressiveness and life in all your favorite recordings.
Bulletin 0407
All files are copyright 2008 by Spectral Audio, Inc.